Safety and Privacy: For Teachers
Teacher guidelines for learner safety and privacy
foremost concern is learner safety, and we approach this in several ways as
described by our safety policy. This article describes your responsibility for
safety as a teacher on SpeakingChalk.
Teacher responsibility for safety
of the topic you are teaching or the age group you are working with, you have a
responsibility to create a safe online classroom environment. For this reason,
teachers are required to teach all live classes on video platform made
available by SpeakingChalk through the SpeakingChalk platform. We expect that you teach your
classes in a way that encourages physical safety, mental wellbeing, and online
privacy for all students. Poor judgment on safety and privacy can result in
teacher restriction and removal.
Safety Basics
· Teachers
are required to have their cameras on while teaching a live class.
· As
the teacher, you should be present and supervise your
meeting at all times. Please make sure you are able to be at your
computer for the entire time that video platform is open
and your live class is running.
· Before
running your first class, be fluent in the basic video platform features you'll use
to manage your classroom and respond quickly if safety or behavior problems
· Ensure
that all learners have their video enabled, or if they don’t, that you've
interacted with them over video at the beginning of each class, to verify their
identity. We encourage learners to enable their
audio/video during the rest of class to create a more social experience for all
learners, but it’s not required (some learners feel safer with video off). If
you’ve never before seen a learner on video and
they’re unable or unwilling to enable their video, please: (1) gently explain
our policy, (2) let them know you’ll follow up after class, and (3) remove them
from class.
· Parents
are able to listen into class at a reasonable distance
from their learner, but it is against SpeakingChalk’s policies for a parent (anybody
other than learner) to listen in or watch class from a separate device.
· If
a safety related incident occurs during one of your classes, contact SpeakingChalk
support immediately to let us know: connectatspeakingchalk@gmail.com
Safety examples
your lesson requires the learners to use any materials that could be potentially
dangerous, such as sharp objects in a cooking class, or art classes make sure
you designate time at the beginning of class to discuss the proper way to
use/handle these materials. Or if your class involves a discussion on a topic,
such as how to cope with anxiety, that may trigger more serious emotional
responses, you should first make sure that your learners are equipped with the
right skillset to participate in these conversations. In
order to set the right expectations for prospective parents, you should
also include this information in the parental guidance section of the class
Sensitive topics
teachers offering classes on any sort of sensitive topic, as defined in our
class content policy, we ask that you take extra measures to ensure the safety
of your learners. We encourage you to take the time to anticipate potential
issues that may arise proactively. This could range from emotionally-difficult
topics you might discuss as a part of the lesson, to follow-up questions your
learners may have.
ensure learner safety, discussions related to personal mental health issues -
like depression, suicide, or abuse - are not allowed on our platform. If a
learner initiates a conversation about a sensitive topic, please gently explain
that SpeakingChalk classes are not the appropriate venue for these discussions
and redirect your learners to a new topic. If you are concerned about a
learner's safety, contact SpeakingChalk support
immediately to let us know: connectatspeakingchalk@gmail.com.
Learner behavior
a teacher, you may encounter situations in which a learner's behavior merits
special attention. Perhaps it's a learner who appears to be a bully (or be
bullied), or who behaves inappropriately, or whose behavior suggests trouble at
home. It’s your responsibility to address learner behavior as part of classroom
management, and to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all learners.
ask that you share any concerning incidents with SpeakingChalk
support (connectatspeakingchalk@gmail.com), and we will work with you to
resolve them. That may involve helping to contact the learner or learner's
parents, or just in helping you decide how to proceed.
Responsibility to report
you believe that a learner's safety may be in immediate jeopardy, you should
first encourage the learner to reach out to SpeakingChalk
and you should also simultaneously report the situation to SpeakingChalk's
safety team (connectatspeakingchalk@gmail.com). In addition, if you either see
evidence of or hear your learner describe abuse or neglect, SpeakingChalk
requires that you immediately report what you've witnessed to our team.
our teachers abroad, please be mindful that your jurisdictions, may also have
mandatory reporting laws that apply to you in your work with SpeakingChalk.
Learner privacy
a SpeakingChalk teacher, you are also responsible for maintaining learner
privacy online. As a general rule, you shouldn’t
reveal or encourage students to reveal any personal information about an
individual student or a student’s family. Personal information can include, but
is not limited to, a student’s full name, birthdate, personal email address,
address, or phone number. Asking learners to share their location at the
country, state, or city level is OK, provided you give learners an option to
not share if they prefer not to.
addition to not sharing personal information about your students, you also
should not share any private information about your classes outside of class.
This includes student voices (audio), student first names, or student faces.
For example, you shouldn’t share a photo or video of you interacting with your
students on your social media page.
you would like to share any completed student work, such as a student essay or
art project, you may need to first obtain learner’s / parent permission.
classes may be recorded, it is also important to protect learner privacy on the
screen. In cases where learners have revealed personal information or otherwise
breached their privacy on camera, you should request them to turn off their camera
so that it is not captured by other learners. After class, you should reach out
to the learner / (in case of child) parent of the learner in question and the SpeakingChalk (connectatspeakingchalk@gmail.com). In cases
where learner privacy is compromised, SpeakingChalk may choose to delete a
recording (if available).
Exchanging contact information
general, you should keep all communication with SpeakingChalk.
Learners may want to keep in touch with their classmates after your class ends
and may ask to exchange contact information in video platform chat or the Classroom page. In order to protect
learner privacy and continue to ensure they have a safe experience. Note that
we also ask you not to share your personal contact information with parents or
Online tools
choosing other third-party tools to help run your class, please consider their
approach to learner privacy and safety. If you would like to use another site
that requires signing up for a new account, make sure you go through the
complete sign-up process ahead of time to find out if that site has any age
restrictions in place. If there is a minimum age requirement, do not encourage
learners to lie about their age. You should instead disclose this in the
parental guidance section of your class listing and explain that the parents
will need to create an account with their learners.
Substitutes, guest speakers and co-teachers
of whether or not the individual is an approved SpeakingChalk
teacher, we do not allow substitutes of any kind. We understand that unexpected
emergencies or illnesses may occasionally arise at the last minute, preventing
you from teaching your class. When this happens, you should cancel the meeting
and communicate with the learners / parents to arrange a makeup meeting. The SpeakingChalk
support team is happy to provide assistance when
emergencies arise, and we can route communication thru us to parents.
you would like to bring on a guest speaker to help enhance your lesson, you need
permission from SpeakingChalk to do so and this
permission has to be taken well in advance conducting
classes. If you have a specific situation that you aren’t sure about, contact
our support team and we will help you navigate this situation.